The Real Authoritarians

They call Trump a 'fascist' for trying to shrink the government and cut out the fraud. Meanwhile, the real authoritarians expand their power, silence dissent, and loot the treasury.

They call Trump a ‘fascist’ for trying to shrink the government and cut out the fraud. Meanwhile, the real authoritarians expand their power, silence dissent, and loot the treasury.

Joke Of The Day: Double Booking

Joke Of The Day: Double Booking A year-long argument was finally settled a few days ago with a conference in the Mayor’s office. The situation involved a double-booking of the Town Hall, with a computer trade show and a Shakespeare appreciation society performance. After hearing talks from both parties, the Mayor and the town’s entertainment committee discussed the matter and decided to let the Shakespeare appreciation society use the hall for their performance.

It just goes to show that “actors speak louder than nerds!”





A Thief

If a man steals from you and refuses to let you count what’s missing, he’s a thief. If a politician takes your money and fights tooth and nail against an audit, what do you think that makes him?

If a man steals from you and refuses to let you count what’s missing, he’s a thief. If a politician takes your money and fights tooth and nail against an audit, what do you think that makes him?

Random Riddle: Behind and Ahead

Before I came, confusion abounded.
I’m late, I’m late was frequently sounded.

I’m not average, but was based on a mean.
My size, in theory, is constant: fifteen.

I’m two dozen steps, again in theory.
But walk my length and you’d get weary.

I take half and quarter steps at times.
In reality, I don’t follow the lines.

I shrink to nothing in two cold extremes.
Over a thousand miles wide in the betweens.


Random Riddle: Behind and Ahead



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