A Crime Syndicate

We have the same political party/crime syndicate still causing the most damage to America ever, telling us that the people trying to end all their criminal corruption are an “existential threat” to their “Democracy” in a Constitutional Republic.

We have the same political party/crime syndicate still causing the most damage to America ever, telling us that the people trying to end all their criminal corruption are an “existential threat” to their “Democracy” in a Constitutional Republic.

Joke Of The Day: Asking for a Raise

Joke An employee approached his boss and asked for a raise. “Well” began the head man, “business is bad now, Frank and I just can’t afford to give you a raise.”

“But I’m doing the three men’s work and I always have…” retorted Frank.

“Three men’s work?” exploded the boss. “Tell me who the other two are, and I’ll fire them!”





Keeping Their Crimes Hidden

They told you democracy mattered—until the people chose Trump in a landslide. The same politicians the voters REJECTED are now scrambling to silence him, protect their own power, and cover up years of waste & fraud. This isn’t about justice. It’s about control and keeping their crimes hidden from the people.

They told you democracy mattered—until the people chose Trump in a landslide. The same politicians the voters REJECTED are now scrambling to silence him, protect their own power, and cover up years of waste & fraud. This isn’t about justice. It’s about control and keeping their crimes hidden from the people.

Random Riddle: Musicians

I’ll name some famous musicians, and you tell me which one doesn’t belong.

Brian Wilson
Stevie Wonder
Ringo Starr
David Bowie
Freddie Mercury

Random Riddle: Musicians



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