A Crime Syndicate

We have the same political party/crime syndicate still causing the most damage to America ever, telling us that the people trying to end all their criminal corruption are an “existential threat” to their “Democracy” in a Constitutional Republic.

We have the same political party/crime syndicate still causing the most damage to America ever, telling us that the people trying to end all their criminal corruption are an “existential threat” to their “Democracy” in a Constitutional Republic.

Joke Of The Day: Asking for a Raise

Joke An employee approached his boss and asked for a raise. “Well” began the head man, “business is bad now, Frank and I just can’t afford to give you a raise.”

“But I’m doing the three men’s work and I always have…” retorted Frank.

“Three men’s work?” exploded the boss. “Tell me who the other two are, and I’ll fire them!”





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