A lifelong patriot, Gags is proud to be related to one of our Founding Fathers, who signed the Declaration of Independence and played a significant role in the ratification and implementation of the Constitution. Like his ancestor, Gags is inspired and committed to upholding the values of freedom, and liberty that our Founding Fathers fought for.
We have the same political party/crime syndicate still causing the most damage to America ever, telling us that the people trying to end all their criminal corruption are an “existential threat” to their “Democracy” in a Constitutional Republic.
You may praise your good fortune and curse all you hate,
Yet I rule all your chaos and gamble your fate.
By some I’m avoided, by others I’m game,
Called by fat or slim, my meaning’s the same.
An employee approached his boss and asked for a raise. “Well” began the head man, “business is bad now, Frank and I just can’t afford to give you a raise.”
“But I’m doing the three men’s work and I always have…” retorted Frank.
“Three men’s work?” exploded the boss. “Tell me who the other two are, and I’ll fire them!”