Featured Political View Point Involuntary Servitude March 1, 2025 gags “Property Tax” is unconstitutional due to the 13th amendment, which prohibits “Involuntary Servitude”.
Riddles Random Riddle: Missing Vowels March 1, 2025March 1, 2025 gags The following words have been stripped of all their vowels. Can you put the vowels back in each word? 1. DNDLN 2. FBRC 3. JKBX 4. JCKHMMR 5. SCRTY 6. NYLN 7. RDVRK 8. STRNMY 9. MBRLL 10. DFNTN Show answer 1. DANDELION 2. FABRIC 3. JUKEBOX 4. JACKHAMMER 5. SECURITY 6. NYLON 7. AARDVARK 8. ASTRONOMY 9. UMBRELLA 10. DEFINITION
Jokes Joke Of The Day: Know it all Biscuit March 1, 2025March 1, 2025 gags Q: What do you call a biscuit that knows more than you? A: A smart cookie.