A Puppet Show

An Elephant and a Donkey fight in a puppet show, and the crowd cheers for one or the other while thieves pick their pockets. And when people start to notice their wallets are missing, they're told they can stop the pickpocketing by cheering louder for their favorite puppet.

An Elephant and a Donkey fight in a puppet show, and the crowd cheers for one or the other while thieves pick their pockets. And when people start to notice their wallets are missing, they’re told they can stop the pickpocketing by cheering louder for their favorite puppet.

Random Riddle: The Ransom

A rich man’s son was kidnapped. The ransom note told him to bring a valuable diamond to a phone booth in the middle of a public park. Plainclothes police officers surrounded the park, intending to follow the criminal or his messenger. The rich man arrived at the phone booth and followed instructions, but the police were powerless to prevent the diamond from leaving the park and reaching the crafty villain.

What did he do?


Random Riddle: The Ransom



Joke Of The Day: Tiny

Joke Of The Day: Tiny A man walks into a bar and sets a lizard-looking animal down on the bar in front of him. The bartender looks at the reptile, and says, “What is that?”

The patron replies, “Oh, he’s my new pet.”

“What’s his name?” asks the bartender.

“Tiny,” replies the man.

“Well, that’s an odd name for a lizard! Why did you name him Tiny?” the confused bartender asks.

“Well,” the man says, “because he’s my newt.”





No More Taxes

Politicians always tell us they need more taxes to solve the problems they created. NO MORE TAXES!

Politicians always tell us they need more taxes to solve the problems they created.


Random Riddle: 79

I am periodically the number 79. Long ago, some attempted to make me from 29, but learned it couldn’t be done. If you add me to 80 I appear to be 47 temporarily.

What am I?


Random Riddle: 79



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