Podesta Email: Hillary Hates Everyday Americans


If she wins, you are going to see everyday Americans with pitchforks and torches.

New Wikileaks emails released just moments ago include a shocking admission by Clinton campaign manager John Podesta that Hillary Clinton “has begun to hate everyday Americans”.

The whistleblower organization dumped part 3 of its Podesta email release today and this has to be the most jaw-dropping revelation yet.
The email, sent by Podesta on April 19, 2015, contains a discussion on what talking points Hillary should use in framing her candidacy for president in order to get a good head start.

“I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans, but I think we should use it once the first time she says I’m running for president because you and everyday Americans need a champion,” writes Podesta.

“I think if she doesn’t say it once, people will notice and say we false started in Iowa,” he concludes.


Jennifer Palmieri, Director of Communications for Hillary’s presidential campaign, agreed with Podesta’s summary, responding simply with the word, “Truth.”

To emphasize, John Podesta, Hillary’s campaign guru, is in black and white admitting that HIllary Clinton hates everyday Americans.

This is huge.
