How To Of The Day: How To Make An Omelet In A BAG

Omelet In A BAG
Have you been making omelettes in a frying pan? You might want to forget that method and invest in some freezer bags instead. This video by Allrecipes suggests that a better way to prepare this breakfast meal is to place all your ingredients in a freezer and cook it in a pot of boiling water.


For anybody whose omelet-making attempts turn out more like scrambled eggs, you absolutely must watch this amazing breakfast hack. It turns out that all you need for that perfect, fluffy omelet is a zip-loc bag and a pot of boiling water. Though this is a popular camping cooking trick, we think it’s a great solution for anyone whose egg-flipping skills aren’t up to code.

First, just fill a plastic bag with everything you want in your omelet—the video recipe shows two eggs, a handful of cheddar cheese, a cup of chopped ham, and tons of diced veggies like tomatoes, onions, green peppers, and mushrooms. If you still need some omelet inspiration, we’ve got you covered.

Once everything’s in the bag, make sure it’s sealed tightly and massage the bag with your fingers until everything mixed together. Believe it or not, that’s the hardest part. Now, all that’s left to do is drop the bag into the pot of boiling water and wait ten to twelve minutes. You can cook as many omelets as will fit into the pot, so you can freeze them for later or make customized breakfasts for everyone in your family. Either way, this recipe is definitely a win.
