How To Of The Day: Marshmallow Catapult

How to make a marshmallow catapult.

Here’s something that will occupy the kids’ time and while may appear (to them) to be a total time suck, it will teach fine motor skills, ingenuity and possibly collaborative play.


Marshmallow Catapult 1
1 Create a triangle with the skewers. Join the ends with one of the large marshmallows to design a large triangle.

Marshmallow Catapult 2
2 Add a pyramid to your triangle. With the triangle laying on a flat surface, build a pyramid above the triangle.

Marshmallow Catapult 3
3 Create your catapult launcher. Tape the plastic spoon handle to the end of another skewer. Wrap the tape around the spoon several times to secure tightly (this spoon will see a lot of action).

Marshmallow Catapult 4
4 Place the thin rubber band around the top marshmallow. Lay the rubber band over the marshmallow that has topped the pyramid. Allow the band to just lay there.

Marshmallow Catapult 5
5 Slide spoon skewer through the rubber band so that it is being supported by the rubber band. Pierce the end of it on the marshmallow at the base.

Marshmallow Catapult 6
6 Use mini marshmallows as your “launching rocks.” You can also use other small candies or items–anything that will fit inside the spoon. Hold the base as you pull the spoon back gently against the tension of the band.
