One thought on “Will Ferrell And Chad Smith Drum-Off

  1. I’ll never understand how people cannot try to dismiss or ignore some of the “artful contributions” celebrities attempt ESPECIALLY when it involves them being RABID Obama collaborators, and Will Ferrell certainly qualifies:

    Sure, I understand it is nigh impossible in this day and age for discerning minds to make heads or tails of all the vitriol spewed, but in my mind, those individuals who knowingly used their celebrity or position or media-made status in society to make the most hateful declarations against citizens they were opposed to with the specific intent of inciting violence and/or unlawful acts against them would best be considered, in effect, persona non grata.

    The list would be long (and who’d want to make one) but it is difficult at times to appreciate the work of genuine artists without thinking about all the hate they have literally burning in them, hate they wear on their sleeves, hate they have for too many Americans.

    [For the record, I would never consider Ferrell a “genuine artist” or even one worthy of my time and as such, I had no interest in watching the video.]

    There was a time I was a fan of Cher but I cannot tolerate her anymore. I used to have respect for Oprah as a self-made woman but that changed too. I guess this is what happens when the Left’s luminaries constantly play their race card against you or call you a terrorist or say you are not even welcome in the country you proudly served. In my mind, they are to be ignored.

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