The Cow That Thinks It’s A Horse

The Cow That Thinks It's A Horse
Photo by AP

Meet 15-year old Regina Mayer and her clever cow Luna.

When Regina’s parents dashed her hopes of owning a horse, the resourceful 15-year-old didn’t sit around sulking. Instead she headed out to the field on her parents’ farm and trained their cow, Luna, instead.


Teenager Regina Mayer lived on her family’s dairy farm in Laufen, Germany. Her parents wouldn’t allow her to own a horse. So she trained a cow to take a human rider and respond to commands:

Mayer began training Luna not long after she was born two years ago. Before long, she threw a saddle on the animal and began riding her. Now, commands such as “go,” “stand” or “gallop” are no problem for Luna. As long as she’s in the mood, that is.

Mayer began creating small jumps for her uddered friend once merely riding her became too boring. “I had to show Luna everything and to bribe her with carrots and sugar,” she told the German news agency DPA. “Now she can jump over 1 meter (3 feet).”
