Obama 2012 Re-Election Song – “Would You Vote For Me Now?”

This is so bad that it’s good.

Video Description:

OBAMA SINGS HIS RE ELECTION SONG FOR 2012FUNNY PARODY SPOOF WOULD YOU VOTE FOR ME NOW a parody of Toby Keith Classic, How do you like me now? Paul Shanklin Rush limbaugh glen glenn beck parodys parodies funny spoofs race racist black people songs about song songs

I wrote, directed, edited, sang, played the Obama character and did the work with “Crazytalk6” to animate the Joker face. I hope you will comment and let me know what you think of my effort.

I gave a speech in 2008
and all you chumps said I was great
the democratic party said I was their man
you thought I was the choosen one
Im not even an american
you heard hope and change and believed yes we can
for 20 years I listened
to reverand rights preachin
but you overlooked that some how
besides I had Bush to blame
no need to worry about McCain
so I made my speeches to loud
would you vote for me now

Chorus #1
Would you vote for me now
now that Ive spread your wealth
you must be crazy
I control your health
you couldnt help but love me
now all thats been turned about
Ive ruined your country
would you vote for me now

When I took on Hillary
I heared that you made fun of me
You never imagined Id take it this far
that little spill was just my luck
I shut down drillin in the Gulf
and now I laugh while your gas prices soar
they forclosed your home
and your not alone
Your kids have no future at all
food prices raiggin
Michelle on vacation
Its me baby with your wake up call
would you vote for me now

Chours #2
Would you vote for me now
after trillions in debt
Ill transform america
you see what I meant
You couldnt help but love me
but now all thats turned about
Ive ruined you country
would you vote for me now

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