Obama’s Change: What Is It?

We hear Barack Obama talk about “Change” with vague references of bringing people together, but there’s no substance to back up the talk. So can anyone tell me, specifically, just what the H-E-double hockey sticks he means by “Change”?

Does his change mean that he will turn America into a Socialist State with income redistribution? Will he take my paycheck and give it to someone that he classifies as worse off than me because, as he puts it, “That is neighborliness”?

When it comes to Healthcare; he says that he will nationalize it. That’s just “Hillary Care”, so where is the “Change”?

Joe Biden, his choice for Vice President offers no sign of “Change”. Biden is a text book example of a partisan Politician and what is wrong with Washington.

Does his change mean that he will he will make America loved by Hollywood and all Nations that hate and despise us now? I don’t think that will happen. We were still known as “The Great Satan” even during the Carter and Clinton administrations.

Can someone please tell me what Obama means by “Change”? His followers can’t!

Anyone? Anyone? Buehler?