Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Says $115 a Barrel for Oil Is Too Low

In an obvious attempt to infuriate and provoke the West, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is saying that crude oil prices at $115 a barrel are too low.

Well Mahmoud, I see your lame attempt and raise you. I say Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is too short to be the leader of such an oil rich nation as Iran and he may even be gay!

Ahmadinejad says oil at $115 a barrel too low, calls for higher prices

Iran’s hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says crude oil prices at $115 a barrel is too low, saying the black gold has to “discover its real value.”

Oil prices have hit all-time highs above $115 a barrel with reports that oil and gasoline stocks in the United States were lower than expected and as the dollar has hit record lows.

“The oil price of $115 a barrel in today’s global markets is a deceiving figure. Oil is a strategic commodity that needs to discover its real value,” Iran’s state-run television website reported Saturday.