Madonna’s Addiction To Exercise Appears To Be Adding Years To Her Life

The ever freakish celebrity world appears to have a new psychological dependence, and this time it’s not illegal. Judging by this photo, Madonna appears to be poster child for an alternate form of bulimia… exercise addiction.

I apologize in advance if you lose your lunch after you click on this link: Skin and veins: Celebrity gym-addicts whose love of exercise is spoiling their looks

The ever conscious world of celebrity appears to have fallen victim to a new addiction, and this time it’s not illegal.

Madonna appears to be one of the key members at the forefront of the trend for punishing workout schedules.

But it appears the results are less than pleasing to the eye, as the singer regularly exhibits intensely veiny hands, and pumped up forearms which would not look out of place on a professional bodybuilder.

The 49-year-old’s fear of getting older dictates her vigorous fitness drive. She begins her punishing routine with a three-hour session of Ashtanga yoga, followed by a Pilates session before lunch.

She then alternates her third daily session between karate, pumping iron, running, swimming, cycling and occasionally horse-riding. Fitness expert Cornel Chin said: “She clearly works out with weights to define her muscles.”