200-Year-Old Letter Predicts WW3 And Final Battle Against Islam

A LETTER written more than 200 years ago by a top military chief chillingly predicted the two world wars – before warning of a final “bloody” battle with Islam.

200-Year-Old Letter Predicts WW3 And Final Battle Against Islam

Albert Pike, who was a captain for the US army during the American Civil War, is said to have written a doctrine to an Italian politician outlining plans for the trio global conflicts.

The letter plots how and why the first and second world wars broke out in the 1900s and provides an even more chilling prophecy over a third and final battle.

The document allegedly suggested World War One was planned to overthrow the Tsars in Russia and make the country a communist stronghold.

The Second World War was sparked as a catalyst to destroy Nazism, according to the letter, so communism could take over wearier governments and for a sovereign state of Israel to be set up in Palestine.

A third world war, according to Mr Pike, will be fought against the West and leaders of the Islamic war.

Mr Pike warned the third war would be “the most bloody turmoil”.

The document features heavily in the book Satan, Prince of this World, by former naval officer William Guy Carr.

200-Year-Old Letter Predicts WW3 And Final Battle Against Islam

Mr Pike is said to have written, according to Mr Carr’s book: “The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Tsars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism.”

It was reportedly sent by Pike, a Freemason, to Italian politician Giuseppe Mazzini and was dated August 15, 1871.

The letter allegedly said: “The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the ‘agentur’ of the ‘Illuminati’ between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World.

“The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Muslim Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.

“Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion.


Jimmy Carter: Obama Blew It On ISIS

The former “Worst President” in history says that the current “Worst President” in history waited too long to respond to ISIS.

Jimmy Carter: Obama Blew It On ISIS

From Politico:

Former President Jimmy Carter is criticizing President Barack Obama’s Middle East policy, saying he has shifting policies and waited too long to take action against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

In an interviewed published Tuesday in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, the 39th president said the Obama administration, by not acting sooner, allowed ISIL to build up its strength.

“[W]e waited too long. We let the Islamic State build up its money, capability and strength and weapons while it was still in Syria,” he said, using an alternate name for the terrorist group. “Then when [ISIL] moved into Iraq, the Sunni Muslims didn’t object to their being there and about a third of the territory in Iraq was abandoned.”

The administration has launched airstrikes in both Iraq and Syria, the group that has swept across much of northern and central Iraq and has released videos of its members beheading two U.S. journalists and two British aid workers.

Carter said Obama’s air campaign against ISIL in Iraq has “a possibility of success,” provided that some troops are available on the ground. He did not specify whether he meant U.S. or other ground forces.

The former Democratic president and Georgia governor also said the president has shifted his Middle East policy on several occasions.

“It changes from time to time,” he said of the president’s Middle East strategy. “I noticed that two of his secretaries of defense, after they got out of office, were very critical of the lack of positive action on the part of the president,” Carter added, in reference to former defense secretaries Robert Gates and Leon Panetta, who have each released a memoir detailing frustrations with Obama’s foreign policy and management style. In particular, Panetta, who stepped down from the post last year, has criticized Obama in several interviews since the release of his book earlier this week.

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