Clinton DNC Secret Agreement

Wikileaks released a secret agreement between Hillary Clinton and the DNC proving the Democrat primary was rigged

Clinton DNC Secret Agreement

The entire DNC primary process was rigged from the beginning.

This document, dated August 26, 2015, may be proof that Bernie knew the DNC was rigged for Hillary. Why didn’t he say something? Why did he continue to support her? Serious questions! Bernie donors should win that lawsuit and get every penny back they donated to the DNC. This is criminal.

Clinton-DNC secret agreement dated August 26, 2015:

Bernie Sanders Crying

Consider that most of the Mainstream Media was working with the DNC, it’s simply amazing that President Trump was able to overcome a rigged election. He overcame these obstacles with hard work, determination and balls.





Loretta Lynch Implicated In Uranium One Obstruction Of Justice

A John Podesta email includes an attachment of a letter sent by Senator Grassley to Loretta Lynch demanding an investigation into Uranium One. A.G. Lynch ignored and squashed the investigation

Loretta Lynch Implicated In Uranium One Obstruction Of Justice

A Wikileaks email, titled “Grassley letter” points to possible collusion between the Department Of Justice and the Clinton Campaign on Uranium One. A letter from Senator Chuck Grassley to Loretta Lynch questioning the Uranium One deal ended up in the hands of a Clinton Foundation Senior VP and ultimately in the hands of John Podesta and the Clinton campaign.

Grassley Letter

Grassley letter Attachment:

Senator Grassley needs a worthy nickname. We should start drafting our own legends around the patriots of this period just as the Founding Fathers did. I my opinion Senator Grassely will be one of the heros of our New American Revolution where we Drain the Swamp.

More Evidence: “It’s out there”

Another email, dated 4/29/2015, from Jennifer Palmieri to John Podesta, titled “It’s out there“, when news of Uranium One first hit the Internet.

Brian Fallon, Hillary’s press secretary, and Jennifer Palmieri, Hillary’s director of communications were the initial recipients of the message. Palmieri then forwarded it to Hillary’s campaign chairman John Podesta, adding, “Fyi.”

They knew!







WikiLeaks Vault 7: Projects

WikiLeaks Vault 7 is about a global hacking program being covertly run by the CIA

WikiLeaks Vault 7: Projects

Vault 7 is a series of documents that WikiLeaks began to publish on 7 March 2017, that detail activities and capabilities of the United States Central Intelligence Agency to perform electronic surveillance and cyber warfare on anyone it chooses. The files, dated from 2013–2016, include details on the agency’s software capabilities, such as the ability to compromise cars, smart TVs, web browsers (including Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera Software ASA), and the operating systems of most smartphones (including Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android), as well as other operating systems such as Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux.

WikiLeaks Vault 7: Projects


Audio Recording Of Seymour Hersh Discussing DNC Leaks And Seth Rich Murder

[Audio] Seymour Hersh confirms Seth Rich was the WikiLeaks source and there was NO HACK.

Audio Recording Of Seymour Hersh Discussing DNC Leaks And Seth Rich Murder

The fact that Wikileaks disseminated this gives it a lot more weight than Seymour Hersh saying what he said. Julian Assange distributing this speaks volumes.

Language Warning


WikiLeaks ICWatch: The Who’s Who Of The Deep State

WikiLeaks’ “Intelligence Community Watch (ICWatch)” is a database/directory list of 409,820 individuals.

WikiLeaks ICWatch: The Who's Who Of The Deep State

From WikiLeaks:

ICWATCH is a project to collect and analyze resumes of people working in the intelligence community. People working for intelligence contractors, the military, and intelligence agencies frequently mention secret codewords and surveillance programs in public resumes. These resumes are useful for uncovering new surveillance programs, learning more about known codewords, identifying which companies help with which surveillance programs, examining trends in the intelligence community, and more. We have collected over 100,000 of these resumes from LinkedIn, Indeed, and other public sources and made them searchable with our search software, LookingGlass.



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