The Impending Civil War

A comment from a post on an impending Civil War.

The Impending Civil War

Something to think about:

These corrupt political monsters in Washington have really done a number now with the Coronavirus. They are completely mad, and they couldn’t wait for a natural crisis to materialize… they created one. They are monstrous psychopaths… People are still too afraid to point out the obvious.

We just have to trust what follows because they have backed everybody into a corner, but the rubber band will snap back. The people will eventually feel this and they will come out fighting.

It will likely end up a global purge. It may start with false flags, attempted starvation, more bioweapons or militarization. No telling… use your imagination. This bioweapon bug gave them Police State powers.

The violence will be confusing and will not just go in predictable directions. Some elements will just rage on civilization itself, their neighbors. The free-loaders certainly will.

Eventually a civil war begins. The evil will not see the other side of that. It’s about how long that takes and what happens in between.

Cities will not be good places to be. NY could descend into Mad Max any minute. It will be hard to tell what is organic violence, rebellion or false flag. The Pravda news will distort everything to justify Police State action and whatever they do to our people.

I’m sorry, but the Bolsheviks are coming. It’s inevitable. If the population stands up for itself and each other they don’t have a chance.

Maybe we get lucky and there is divine intervention and the beast collapses on itself overnight. Gets an uncontrolled exposure for doing these things to us, like with Epstein.

We are not alone. Do not neglect to pray your asses off.

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