Two Priorities

Our government only has two priorities, and they are purposely failing on both: Defend the Homeland and Ensure Honest Elections

Our government only has two priorities, and they are purposely failing on both:
Defend the Homeland and Ensure Honest Elections

College Degrees

Don't be impressed by college degrees anymore. Graduates are no longer the most educated. They're just the most indoctrinated.

Don’t be impressed by college degrees anymore. Graduates are no longer the most educated. They’re just the most indoctrinated.

Obama’s Third Term

Hillary was supposed to be Obama's third term in 2016, but they underestimated the fraud they needed to beat Trump. They fixed that in 2020, and now the world is suffering through the accelerated “Fundamental Change” of Obama's third term.

Hillary was supposed to be Obama’s third term in 2016, but they underestimated the fraud they needed to beat Trump.

They fixed that in 2020, and now the world is suffering through the accelerated “Fundamental Change” of Obama’s third term.

Printing Currency

A government that has no problems printing currency without wealth will have no problem printing votes without voters.

A government that has no problems printing currency without wealth will have no problem printing votes without voters.

How Do You Vote Out A Government

How do you vote out a government that wasn't voted in? That's what the 2nd Amendment is for.

How do you vote out a government that wasn’t voted in?

That’s what the 2nd Amendment is for.

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