School House Rock – The Preamble

During the 1970’s when this cartoon was aired for the first time to the American people; the American society was a good society that put America first. We taught our children what it is to be an American.

Today that no longer is a priority; unlimited immigration without assimilation and anti-American Communists that refuse to follow the U.S. Constitution are destroying what was once a great Nation. And what do we do? Nothing.

We are no longer a Nation, we have become a Country filled with aliens from every third world country from across the globe. I don’t believe America will survive as the Nation our founding fathers left us; “One Nation under God indivisible with Liberty and Justice for All” , unless we as a “people” WAKE UP!!!


Muslim Brotherhood Inside White House

Muslim Brotherhood

Retired US Air Force General Tom McInerney said, in a radio interview, something we all know “There are Muslim Brotherhood in the White House”.

Egypt claims that Obama’s a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. His intentional policy failures and abuses of the Constitution make it hard to doubt that.

A Washington political insider, retired US Air Force General Tom McInerney has confirmed that the Muslim Brotherhood has a major presence in the White House inner circle.

In an interview with a Washington radio station, the for assistant vice chief of staff and commander in chief of U.S. Forces Europe has identified as least two Muslim Brotherhood players with direct Oval Office access.

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via iOwnTheWorld

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