It’s Time To Use Section 4 Of The 25th Amendment

It's Time To Use Section 4 Of The 25th AmendmentMany Americans do not realize that there is a legal way to remove a sitting President from office by invoking Section 4 of the 25th Amendment. This provision was made to declare the President mentally unfit to execute his duties. Obama has provided ample evidence that he is mentally unfit and a danger to America.

The rash of lies, scandal and incompetence that has plagued the Obama administration is unprecedented in both size and scope; from his blatant lies about ObamaCare, the Benghazi terrorist attacks, the IRS targeting conservatives, the NSA secretly collecting phone records for millions of Americans and the rise of the terrorist group ISIS in the Mideast. These actions bring into question whether Barack Hussein Obama is fit to lead our great nation.

America deserves better!

Section 4 of the 25th Amendment:
This is an emergency provision that allows the Vice President and members of the Cabinet to declare the President unfit to carry out the duties of the Presidency. The President may assert his competency (ability to serve) by sending a declaration to Congress. The Vice President and Cabinet can submit another declaration against the President, which would force Congress to reach a 2/3 majority that the President is unfit for office.

Hat tip Marian

The Presidential Oath Of Office

The oath to be taken by the president on first entering office is specified in Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution:

Before he enter on the execution of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmation:–“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

impeach obama

Impeachment is the ultimate check on an out-of-control executive branch. It is serious, not to be used for petty partisan purposes; and it is imperative that it becomes a matter of legitimate discussion before the American people lose all trust in our federal government.

Impeachment requires moral courage to advance what is right, and it requires political will. A complacent or disheartened electorate may silently endure these abuses from the administration, the permanent political class is only too happy to maintain the status quo, and the mainstream media is not a fair watchdog. So, the nation’s last line of defense is for We the People to rise up and say, “enough is enough.”

Obama’s lawless encouragement of illegal immigration should be the tipping point for that political will because it impacts all Americans – native-born and legal immigrants of all backgrounds who followed the rules and now watch rewards go to rule breakers while they’re forced to compete for limited jobs and resources. It’s the tipping point because the forgotten working class is hurt most by this lawlessness; and these good Americans deserve the strongest, most effective tool to defend the livelihoods they’ve so honorably built!

The case for Obama’s impeachment: The Constitution’s remedy for a lawless, imperial president


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