Man Builds a Rifle from a Shovel

Now this is a beautiful piece of post-apocalyptic engineering.

Man Builds a Rifle from a Shovel

Yes, the shoulder stock of this AK-47 is from a shovel. That’s not the impressive part. The receiver–the housing for the action–is also from a shovel. Yes, really! Boris melted, reforged, reshaped, cut and welded the blade of a shovel into a completely functional receiver. The result is a beautiful piece of post-apocalyptic engineering.

Why did he do it? Boris isn’t clear on the subject, but a fair amount of vodka went to the decision-making process. That belongs in everyone’s OODA loop.


The New ‘Intelligent’ Rifle That Claims to Give You a Perfect Shot Every Time

Fighter jet technology for your rifle? Sign me up!

A new Texas-based company is developing a shooting system that could turn even the least skilled marksmen into a sniper-quality shooter.

TrackingPoint calls its system the “world’s first precision guided firearm.”

President Jason Schauble explained in a YouTube demonstration of the technology that what the company did is “put jet fighter lock-and-launch technology into a firing system.”

The system uses a conventional gun and ammunition, but combines them with a Intelligent Digital Tracking Scope and a guided trigger. The technology doesn’t let you fire until the shot is spot on.

“You don’t have to be an experienced shooter,” Schauble said in the video. “You can come and pick this up and within minutes be able to master the tag-track-exact technology that allows you to get on target.”


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