A Stick That Goes “Boom”

Good old fashioned American ingenuity.


With what looks like an old shower rod, a man has configured a homemade shotgun, “pipe gun or zip gun,” or whatever you want to call it. By way of the video, the creator “Kip” shows us that the single-shot shotgun is made up of two pieces: a barrel and receiver. And he also demonstrates how it works:

In the video, Kip pulls out the barrel, loads a shotgun shell into the chamber (the one end of the barrel) and then inserts the barrel into the receiver. To fire he thrusts the barrel rearward, which pushes the shell toward a fixed firing pin. Once the primer is pierced the shell is fired, sending shot downrange.

In the video Kip explains that his homemade shotgun is 26 inches long in its entirety, so it complies with his state laws. And he says this configuration is for “extreme situations, survival situations or just simply having fun.”



Chris Wallace on Bombing Suspect Manhunt: How Many In Lockdown Area ‘Might Like A Gun’?

Chris Wallace asked the question of the year: All the people in that Watertown neighborhood, hiding, doors locked….How many of them, do you think — and worried that this guy might get into their home, maybe take them hostage — how many of them, do you think, might like a gun? To be able to protect themselves and defend their homes.

This is what the 2nd amendment is all about. It’s just common sense. Wake up America before B. Hussein Obama grabs your guns.

In the middle of Fox News’ coverage of the ongoing manhunt in the Boston area for the second suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing, Chris Wallace chimed in with a political take. Commenting the region that is under a firm lockdown, Wallace questioned whether the residents in those neighborhoods “might like a gun” to protect themselves.

“There are so many issues here,” Wallace said, noting the various pieces of information we don’t know (such as: Did the suspects see the information the FBI released?). He then offered one an example of an issue “we’ll be talking about Sunday.”

“All the people in that Watertown neighborhood, hiding, doors locked,” Wallace began. “How many of them, do you think — and worried that this guy might get into their home, maybe take them hostage — how many of them, do you think, might like a gun? To be able to protect themselves and defend their homes.”

“That feeds into the gun debate that we’ve had here in Washington,” Wallace asserted. He noted it will be one of the many issues they’ll be discussing on Fox News Sunday.


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