The Business Of Guns

Gun manufacturing and sales in the United States is a big business. Especially more so with the re-election of the world’s best gun salesman Barack Hussein Obama.

This Minute MBA video gives a good idea as to why gun control in this country would be very bad for our economy.

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Gun manufacturing and sales is big business in the United States — as it turns out, one of the biggest.

In terms of gun ownership, the U.S. is the runaway global leader. There are nearly nine firearms for every 10 American citizens; this proportion is 40% higher than that of Yemen, which ranks second in the world for gun ownership.

Every year, nearly 9 million firearms enter the U.S. market. 5.5 million guns are manufactured domestically, and roughly 95% are eventually sold to Americans. An additional 3.2 million firearms are imported into the U.S. and sold through licensed firearms dealers. Currently there are more than 130,000 of these licensed dealers in the country; to put that number in perspective, the U.S. is also home to 144,000 gas stations, 36,500 grocery stores, and 14,000 McDonald’s restaurants.

Want more comparisons? The firearms industry generates roughly $32 billion in revenue every year — $10 billion more than the Ford Motor Company — and employs 98,000 people, five times more than Google Inc. Furthermore, the gun industry is continuing to grow at an astonishing rate. Connecticut-based Sturm, Ruger & Co., the country’s fourth largest firearm manufacturer, recorded a $180 million increase in revenue since 2004.



A Parable Of A Dead Cat

A Parable Of A Dead Cat

He started out as a gift to the children. Just barely two months old when he arrived, Little Buddy was a big hit with the family. We had never had a cat before, let alone a Ginger Cat.

Raising Little Buddy was to be a family task. That nasty business of cleaning the litter box originally was to be a shared task for the children.

“We’ll take turns, Dad, we’ll feed him and bathe him and clean up after him. We promise.”

Well, I eventually gave in and Little Buddy came to live with us. It didn’t take long for Little Buddy to learn the routine. He even liked his weekly bath. He was a very curious cat too. With his long tail extended, Little Buddy walked on the back of the chairs and sofa and the countertops in the kitchen and the window sills too.

After being reminded several times, Little Buddy learned that we didn’t want him on the kitchen counters or on the table. He kept his backyard romps to a minimum and rarely stayed out more than about five to ten minutes. Then he would be back to the door asking to come inside.

There was just one thing that Little Buddy could not stop doing. Scratching. He extended his forepaws and dug them into the furniture. Deep gouges appeared on the legs of the sofa and chairs. He dug his claws into the fabric and shredded everything. He even scratched the legs of our very expensive and antique dining room table and chairs. Threads were appearing everywhere. And even though we warned him and tried to convince him otherwise, he refused to obey.

Well, as my wife said, “cats will be cats.”

So, a trip to the vet was planned. You see, a vet can surgically remove these sharp appendages. They can declaw a cat, making them harmless to you and to your furniture. Against his will, Little Buddy submitted to this procedure. Within a week he was back to his old self with one exception. There was no longer scratching. Oh, he still went through the motions, but he could not do any damage. Without claws, he was no longer a threat to us or our furniture.

At last, Little Buddy was a manageable pet. He could run, jump and play without being a problem in our home or to anyone that might try to pick him up.

However, one night during his romp in the backyard, Little Buddy ran into an unforeseen situation. We don’t know how many there were, but all we heard were dogs barking. I ran into the backyard and never even saw them. That’s when I found him. My Little Buddy. Lying lifeless in a pool of his own blood.

You see, in our misguided quest to make Little Buddy a more manageable member of our family, we had removed Little Buddy’s only means of self-defense. Without claws, Little Buddy was helpless. Little Buddy could only HOPE he wouldn’t be assaulted.

The moral to this story is simple: The right to bare arms saves your hide.

The Largest Caliber Rifle Ever Produced

This will keep the boys away from your daughter!

As a Marine Corps veteran, I’m all about big guns, but this is a little extreme.
A video posted to LiveLeak shows the largest caliber rifle ever made — a .905 caliber. It is one of just three produced by SSK industries in Ohio.

The gentlemen trying to tame this beast in the video say the recoil is equivalent to firing 10 .30-06 rifles at the same time.

Some rifles kick like mules, but as the video’s description says, I’d rather be kicked by an actual mule.



NRA News Special Report: “Sarah Merkle”

Sarah Merkle is a great example of American youth. She better watch out for the IRS!

Sarah Merkle, the articulate and passionate 15-year-old gun rights advocate whose testimony before the Maryland legislature sparked a viral video last month (see below), was recently profiled by the NRA News.

In the bio piece she proudly asserts, “I was [always] the little blonde girl you didn’t want to get stuck in a debate with, because it’s not going to be pretty.”

She certainly made an impression on lawmakers, leaving them speechless and earning a spot on Fox News to further her positions regarding the Constitution.



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