
Leftist — Someone who's forever outraged on behalf of the victims they helped to create.

Leftist — Someone who’s forever outraged on behalf of the victims they helped to create.

Happy To Be Ruled

The majority of the population is not very intelligent, dislikes responsibility, and wants to be told what to do. As long as their rulers do not interfere with their material comforts and cherished beliefs, they are perfectly happy to be ruled.

The majority of the population is not very intelligent, dislikes responsibility, and wants to be told what to do. As long as their rulers do not interfere with their material comforts and cherished beliefs, they are perfectly happy to be ruled.

America First

The people wearing MAGA hats are yelling “America First”. The other side is chanting “Death to America”.

The people wearing MAGA hats are yelling “America First”.

The other side is chanting “Death to America”.

A Threat To Democracy

Anyone or anything the Left tries to destroy, they label as “A Threat To Democracy”. Well, we should be a threat to Democracy! That's a good thing. Democracy is nothing more than Mob Rule.

Anyone or anything the Left tries to destroy, they label as “A Threat To Democracy”. Well, we should be a threat to Democracy! That’s a good thing.

Democracy is nothing more than Mob Rule.

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