Amusing Mrs. Brown’s Bikini Wax March 25, 2012February 25, 2014 gags Mrs. Brown’s Bikini Wax This is a very funny scene from Irish comedy Mrs Brown’s Boys about a bikini wax gone wrong. Too bad we don’t get this in the States. Enjoy!
Information Batman Intro (1966) IN LEGO February 1, 2012September 9, 2012 gags A LEGO recreation of the opening theme to the 1966 Batman TV series. Enjoy!
Infographics How Much Does a 30 Second TV Ad Cost January 15, 2012 gags Video Description: In the United States a 30 second television ad on a Wednesday night averages between $64,000 and $502,900, depending on the network. Let’s take a quick look at what else you could do with half a million dollars.
Amusing Split Walking World Record January 2, 2012 gags Japanese Girls Doing Split Walk World Record Enjoy!