Symbols Of The Fifty States: Icons Of Culture, History, Nature, And Pride

Symbols Of The Fifty States: Icons Of Culture, History, Nature, And Pride

The United States of America. A country of bald eagles, stars and stripes, freedom, and the American dream. In its short history, the nation has developed a rich culture of tradition, history and camaraderie. The same is true for each individual state, too! Each state has an official state bird, animal, fruit, vegetable, tree, plant, etc.! For example, did you know that the state neck wear for the state of Arizona is the bool tie? Did you know that the state insect of the state of Delaware is the ladybug?

There is even some quirky fun facts like the state vegetable of Oklahoma is the watermelon. Yes, the watermelon is widely accepted as a fruit but since it is a part of the cucumber family, they found a loophole! This infographic, beautifully designed by the home improvement experts at, takes you on a freedom fueled trip through the fifty states of the United States of America to meet the official state symbols that makes each state unique.

Symbols Of The Fifty States: Icons Of Culture, History, Nature, And Pride



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