The Longest Suicide Note In History

Obama has become the Jim Jones of the Democratic Party.

“The longest suicide note in history” is not a phrase I came up with. I stole it from some talking head on TV. For the life of me, I cannot remember his name. But, whoever said it was “spot on!”

This week the Democratic Party is scheduled to commit suicide. Their intention to ram ObamaCare, a socialized medicine bill, down the collective throats of a highly P.O.ed America will finish them off for the remainder of 2010 and most likely return them to the wilderness whence they came. For the record, we’d like to say: “Good Riddance!”

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Quote Of The Day

President Obama would like the House to vote on his healthcare plan on either St. Patrick’s Day or the day after.

That means Congress will be voting on healthcare either when they’re drunk, or when they’re hung over. ~ Jay Leno

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