ISIS Promises To Conquer Rome

ISIS promises to conquer Rome and enslave women and children
ISIS Black Flag Waving At The Top Of The Obelisk Of Piazza San Pietro!

On page 8 of the latest edition of their magazine Dabiq, ISIS promises to conquer Rome and enslave women and children.

“We will conquer your Rome, break your crosses, and enslave your women, by the permission of Allah, the Exalted. This is His promise to us; He is glorified and He does not fail in His promise. If we do not reach that time, then our children and grandchildren will reach it, and they will sell your sons as slaves at the slave market.”

Not only is ISIS Islamic but it is also the true face Islam.

Where is the border between Islam and ISIS? Obama says that the two are as different as night and day and that Islam is a religion of peace. The reality is that ISIS represents traditional pure Islam, true to the Koran.

Excerpted from a translation of the words of Martin Rhonheimer:

You do not hear many official Muslim voices condemning ISIS. And when they do it is usually only to condemn the bestiality because it harms Islam’s reputation. ISIS is no heresy, but “a recurring pattern in the history of violent expansion. The model is Muhammad himself.”

ISIS’s legitimization finds its basis in the Koran and Islamic law, the Sharia. You will find no arguments within Muslim theology that can be used to condemn the Islamic State’s behavior as un-Islamic.

Islam is more than a religion. It is cult with political and social rules and unites religion and and political and social order in one. And it has always been violent. Moderate Islam has its advocates, but they are confronted with Islam’s central problem: when they return to Islam’s origin, they come across the warlike, expansionist Islam from Medina, the legitimacy of killing for Allah’s honor and a violent Muhammad.

“Islamism is not a caricature, nor a counterfeit, nor a heresy, nor a fringe or atypical phenomenon versus classical, orthodox, Sunnite Islam.

To the contrary, I think Islamism is naked Islam, Islam without a mask and without paint, Islam perfectly consistent and true to itself, an Islam that has the courage and lucidity to go all the way to its ultimate conclusions and final implications.

Islamism is Islam in all its logic and in all its rigour. Islamism is present in Islam as the chick is present in the egg, as the fruit is present in the flower and as the tree is present in the seed.

But what is Islamism?

Islamism is political Islam, the bearer of a project for a model society and whose aim is to establish a theocratic state based on Sharia, the only legitimate law—since it is divine—since it was revealed and enshrined in the Koran and Sunna—it’s a law that applies to everything.

Here is an all-inclusive and all-encompassing project, one that is total, totalizing and totalitarian.” ~ Fr. Henri Boulad SJ


Muslim Hospitality In London

This video shows EXACTLY what Islam is doing to England, and it’s scary.

The Religion Of Peace indeed.

We want to be honest and upfront about this video. It isn’t necessarily the ‘nicest’ video out there. There aren’t very many ‘whole-some’ words in here, but it does teach us a very important lesson.

Something very frightening is happening in the UK. People have been talking for years about the ‘Islamic Invasion’ of the UK.

Here’s a couple of minutes that show exactly how it’s playing out.




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