Dead Sea Salt

The mystery of the perfect, naturally formed, cubes of salt found on the shore of the Dead Sea.

The Dead Sea in Israel is famous as the lowest point on Earth. It is also the saltiest body of water in the world. As a result of the high saline level, animals cannot flourish there, hence the name Dead Sea. The sea is a popular tourist attraction as the salty, minerally water and mud can be used in many skin therapies. Also, the density of the water makes swimmers float! How cool is that?



Migraines: Not Just Another Headache

Hank Green of SciShow explains the biology, symptoms and how to treat a migraine.

If you’ve never had a migraine, you might think it’s just a really bad headache. But if you’ve ever had them, or you know someone who does, you know that they’re much worse — and much more complicated — than that. Hank explains the biology behind this disorder of the central nervous system, and how it can be treated.


The Science Of Spiciness

The Science of Spiciness

Rose Eveleth explains what makes certain foods spicy and how the human body reacts to that heat.


When you take a bite of a hot pepper, your body reacts as if your mouth is on fire — because that’s essentially what you’ve told your brain! Rose Eveleth details the science and history behind spicy foods, giving insights into why some people continue to pay the painful price for a little spice.

Lesson by Rose Eveleth, animation by Flaming Medusa Studios Inc.


How The Heart Actually Pumps Blood

In this Ted-Ed animated video, Edmond Hui teams up with animator Anton Bogaty to explain the often misunderstood inner-workings of the human heart.


For most of history, scientists weren’t quite sure why our hearts were beating or even what purpose they served. Eventually, we realized that these thumping organs serve the vital task of pumping clean blood throughout the body. But how? Edmond Hui investigates how it all works by taking a closer look at the heart’s highly efficient ventricle system.


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