“Hot” For Turkey

A scientific look at how female Turkeys choose their mates.


With its fanned plumage and bold strut, a male wild turkey’s display conjures images of Americana and festive feasts. But this grandstanding isn’t intended for human eyes – it’s for female turkeys who actually use it to discern a male’s genetic prowess. How exactly she parses his performance to pick her suitor can be a fairly complex enterprise but thanks to the research of Dr. Richard Buchholz of the University of Mississippi, we have some clues as to what a female turkey finds “hot” in a male.



Hot for Turkey



Why Is Ketchup So Hard To Pour?

You learn something new everyday!

Ever go to pour ketchup on your fries…and nothing comes out? Or the opposite happens, and your plate is suddenly swimming in a sea of red? George Zaidan describes the physics behind this frustrating phenomenon, explaining how ketchup and other non-Newtonian fluids can suddenly transition from solid to liquid and back again.


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