8 Sick Remedies That Actually Work

8 Sick Remedies That Actually WorkAsapSCIENCE breaks down the usefuless of a handful of popular remedies.


The winter time is the height of cold and flu season. So when you have the sniffles at the office you are often swarmed with strange and sometimes downright kooky advice. But not all home remedies are the same, explains AsapScience.

While many home sick remedies are nonsense, there are a few that actually, scientifically work, and can help you fight that nasty cold, cough, and flu.



5 Crazy Science Stunts, You Won’t See At School

“The King of Random” Grant Thompson is back with his fondness for explosive and otherwise dangerous science experiments.

Insane experiments you probably won’t be learning in school.

WARNING: This video is for demonstrational and educational purposes only. Each demonstration poses risks and hazards that must be fully understood before attempting, and should only be attempted by professionals. Use of this video content is at your own risk.

Project inspired by: Alltime10s. They asked if I could make a video demonstrating crazy science, in a collaboration effort with their channel. Special thanks to inspiration from SteveSpanglerScience for the idea on the exploding Pumpkins: (http://bit.ly/IBExplodingPumpkins), and Fysikshow for the idea of Liquid nitrogen bottle rockets! (http://bit.ly/IBNitrogenRocket) If you check out their videos, please leave them a comment that you came from Grant Thompson’s channel and that I gave them credit for the idea :) Thank you!


 Crazy Science Stunts, You Won't See At School


What is Aging?

Why do we grow old? Integrative Biologist Joao Pedro de Magalhaes explains what aging is and how we can extend our lifespan.

You don’t have to get older. There’s a traditional alternative, but it’s unpleasant.

Aging may appear to be inevitable, but Dr. João Pedro de Magalhães, a biologist at the University of Liverpool, disputes that. He’s devoted his scholarly life to studying the process of aging.

The artists behind Ph.D. Comics, a funny webcomic about the graduate school lifestyle, produced this video. They illustrate a talk by Dr. Magalhães on the subject of aging. What is the process of aging at the cellular level? We don’t know for sure, but Dr. Magalhães explains three major hypotheses. He also describes what we may be able to learn from age-resistant animals, such as the naked mole rat.



What is Aging


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