The Science Of DOGS

Man and woman’s best friend!


There’s no question that the most popular pet in the world is the dog. Sure, cat lovers will cheer for their favorite, but there’s a reason the dog is called “Man’s best friend.” But why is that? For centuries now, the dog has evolved with us humans.

That’s what makes the science of dogs so interesting.



Why Does Your Stomach Make Noises?

SciShow, host Michael Aranda explains why a person’s stomach makes noises, why the noise gets louder with hunger and how it’s just another bodily function that all humans have to contend with.


Your digestive system makes weird noises sometimes. You can’t really stop it from happening, but you can find out why it happens in the first place!

Why Does Your Stomach Make Noises?

How To Of The Day: How To Make A Glass Eye

A detailed look at the process that goes into making a glass eye.


A small, highly skilled team at Moorfields Eye Hospital transform the lives of people who have lost their eyes to accidents and disease. Each year, they work with their clients to create around 1,400 customised, detailed prosthetics, many of which replace eyes.

Modern prosthetic eyes are far removed from the old misconceptions about ‘glass eyes’, combining modern materials, craftsmanship and artistry in an entirely unique way. In this film, ocularist David Carpenter talks us through the entire process of how a single prosthetic eye is made.

How To Make A Glass Eye


Why Tomatoes Are Fruits

Why Tomatoes Are Fruits
Hank Green explains the difference between different kinds of fruits and vegetables. Topics include why tomatoes are fruits, druplets, why strawberries aren’t berries, and more.


Did you know that bananas are berries, but strawberries aren’t? A lot of thought goes into classifying fruits and vegetables, and it all has to do with anatomy.


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