How Do You Get Rid of Acne?

Most of us have dealt with acne during puberty, or maybe even after that. You probably wanted to pop or pick them in order to remove them, but don’t do that! Learn more about acne and learn how to get rid of it more appropriately!


Zits are annoying and they tend to pop up at the absolute worst time. Before you try to pop them, though, check out this video for some better ways to get rid of acne.

This video from SciShow explains how zits are formed when bacteria collect in the pores of your skin and create tiny infections. While popping a zit is an attractive short term solution, this can spread the infection to the surrounding area of your skin. That’s likely to make the overall problem worse.

Instead, the video suggests that acne treatments that prevent bacterial growth and lower inflammation. You can use over the counter topical treatments on your skin to help reduce acne overall. In severe cases of acne, you may want to look into prescription treatments.



Why Do Dogs Tilt Their Heads?

Almost every dog does the head tilt, but what exactly does it mean? Confusion? Curiosity? Or is it just them being cute and hoping for a tasty treat? Well, here’s what may be going on.


7 Things You Should Know About Bed Bugs

One in five Americans either has had bed bugs, or knows someone who has. And the problem isn’t going away. It’s actually getting a lot worse.

They’re tiny, resilient, and they want to suck your blood. Bed bugs are a serious issue that isn’t going away any time soon. Here’s what you need to know about the microscopic monsters.

As this video from the SciShow YouTube channel explains, bed bugs are one of the fastest growing pest problems in the developed world—and it’s getting worse. If you’re unfamiliar with bed bugs, or Cimex lectularius, they’re tiny, blood-feeding insects that have acquired a taste for us humans over thousands of years. In the video, you’ll learn that bed bugs can live just about anywhere in your home, stuffing bedding and mattresses in plastic bags to starve out bed bugs doesn’t work, and the most efficient way to kill a bunch of bed bugs is heat. Adults and eggs will die within 10 minutes if exposed to temperatures of 115 degrees Fahrenheit (but don’t go lighting your bed on fire.) Fortunately, bed bugs don’t seem to pass on disease like most other blood-feeding insects, so you can take some solace in that.

There are some things you can do to fight off bed bugs, like freezing blankets and linens for several weeks, or calling an exterminator. But the best thing you can do is try to prevent them. Seal up cracks and crevices around your home so they don’t have anywhere to hide, check hotel rooms for them so you don’t any home, and set out traps.



The 8 Facts About The Blood Types

All people are either A, B, AB or 0 blood type from birth.

The 8 Facts About The Blood Types

Experts say that every type has its own traits and here is the list:

1. Blood type and offsprings

85% of people are Rh + and if the woman is Rh- and man is Rh+ for conceiving, there is risk of health issues in the child.

2. Blood type and diseases

Depending on the health, every type is more or less prone to issues so check this out.

3. Blood type and diet

Know your type and see which diet suits you best and which has to be avoided. Type A need more veggies, 0 need more fish and meat, AB seafood and lean meat and B need red meat.

4. Blood antigens

These are in the GI tract, blood, nostrils and lungs, but also colon and mouth.

5. Blood type and stress

Those with type 0 need more relaxing than the rest.

6. Blood type and weight

The type also says a lot for the weight. Type 0 can have more belly fat, and type A have almost no issues.

7. Blood type and pregnancy

Women with AB conceive easier than the rest and have less making of follicle-hormones.

8. Blood type and urgencies

If you need blood transfusing, know that 0 type Rh- can be universal donors and AB are universal recipients.



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