Supporters Plead With McCain to Take it To Obama

At a Wisconsin rally featuring John McCain, Sarah Palin and their supporters, James T. Harris, a black Republican and radio talk show host, begged McCain to get tougher on Obama about the Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, Father Pfleger and scandal-plagued ACORN.

I’ll tell you what… I feel the anger and if McCain listens to his supporters he’ll win in a landslide. If not… say hello to Socialism!

Head of NOW, LA Chapter, Endorses Sarah Palin

It’s about time some feminists had enough balls to endorse a real women! I have a feeling that NOW is about to change to THEN.


Just got this email from FNC embed producer….as soon as it came in and I saw it, my eyes popped out!! I know this woman!! I read it to my husband…and he agrees! This endorsement is going to really going to cause a storm!! Hang on to your seat! Read!

From: Gomez, Serafin
Sent: Sat Oct 04 18:05:43 2008
Subject: Head of NOW. LA chapter Endorses Palin

Carson, CA-

The head of the LA chapter of National Organization for Women has just endorsed Gov Palin @ campaign rally. Not speaking NOW or her chapter she said but as an individual. ” This is what a feminist looks like,” she just before handing it over to SLP.
Serafin Gomez
Producer, FNC Political Unit
Washington Bureau

The Real Size of Alaska

Alaska: The Last Frontier

Alaska is such a huge state! If you were to imagine it positioned over the Lower 48, Alaska would stretch from the Atlantic Ocean across the continent to the Pacific Ocean.

The McCain/Palin team should use this image every day. If a Democrat from Alaska was on the ticket, the “Main Stream Media” would let every American see it, as a symbol of the importance of her job as Governor. Imagine the comparison with Delaware if the parties were reversed.

Hat Tip: maica – Free Republic

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