The Pope Weighs in on the Global Financial Crisis

Keep this in mind the next time they pass the collection plate around.

Pope: Financial Crisis Shows Futility of Money

Pope Benedict XVI says the global financial crisis shows the futility of money and ambition.

Benedict says that “now with the collapse of big banks we see that money disappears, is nothing and all these things that appear real are in fact of secondary importance.” He urges those who build their lives “only on things that are visible, such as success, career, money” to keep that in mind.

The pontiff was speaking Monday as he opened the works of a meeting of 253 bishops at the Vatican.

Benedict says “the only solid reality is the word of God.”

The Gospel According to Oprah

What is it? It congregates daily in the middle of the afternoon, and millions of Christians faithfully attend. The answer: The Church of Oprah.

Oprah has smoothly and artfully packaged a new age kind of me first spirituality for years. It’s all about personal fulfillment and whatever makes you feel happy because you are your own God. In all actuality Oprah is just another Hollywood self-absorbed false prophet and may be the largest and most influential cult leader in America today.

To paraphrase Oprah’s reason for this new age psychobabble: “I heard something about God from the Bible that I didn’t like, so I decided to create my own God.”

One thing to keep this in mind, as you watch this video, Oprah argues that there are a million ways to salvation, although she berates the Christian stress upon Jesus.

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