A hatchet-wielding man attacked a group of patrol officers in a busy commercial district in Queens on Thursday, injuring two before the other officers shot and killed him, New York City police said. A bystander was wounded in the gunfire.
The deceased suspect has been identified in multiple reports as 32-year-old Zale Thompson, an apparent Muslim who lived in Queens.
At a news conference at a hospital where one officer was being treated for a serious head wound, Police Commissioner William Bratton said that investigators were still trying to determine a motive.
This video shows EXACTLY what Islam is doing to England, and it’s scary.
The Religion Of Peace indeed.
We want to be honest and upfront about this video. It isn’t necessarily the ‘nicest’ video out there. There aren’t very many ‘whole-some’ words in here, but it does teach us a very important lesson.
Something very frightening is happening in the UK. People have been talking for years about the ‘Islamic Invasion’ of the UK.
Here’s a couple of minutes that show exactly how it’s playing out.
Does this sound like the Religion of Peace? Let’s call it what it really is… The Religion of Satan.
I see dead people. This sheep loving asshole doesn’t even know that he’s already dead.
Foreign fighters from all over the world have left their home countries to join the ranks of the Islamic State, and the militant group’s lightning advance across Iraq and Syria this summer has helped to boost recruitment. VICE founder Shane Smith spoke with a man thought to be 21-year-old Somali-Canadian Abu Usamah Somali, who has been in Iraq since July and is reportedly fighting with the Islamic State.
RUSH: So the JV team has beheaded an American reporter, a photojournalist, actually, James Foley, beheaded on videotape. Mr. Snerdley said that he looked at it. I did not. I haven’t. I saw Daniel Pearl, the video of that. I didn’t go look at this. They’re threatening to behead yet another American journalist, the JV team. Obama called ISIS the JV team. Yeah, within the past couple of weeks or something.
He found out about it on the way back to vacation on Martha’s Vineyard. He was in the air when he found out about it. He stayed in Martha’s Vineyard, although there’s a statement, media says breathlessly, “awaiting president’s statement on ISIS beheading of James Foley, coming up.”
More weak empty words!
David Cameron, the UK prime minister was also on vacation. He wasn’t at Martha’s Vineyard. He probably would like to be, but he wasn’t. He went back to work upon hearing this. So the president is making a statement.
After delivering an ardent statement on the execution of James Foley by ISIS militants, President Obama’s motorcade returned to the golf course on Martha’s Vineyard.
“The president walked quietly into the cafeteria of the school, tieless but wearing a blue jacket,” read the latest White House press pool report. “Eric Schultz accompanied him. Obama stepped to a podium and delivered his remarks, then turned quietly and walked out of the room. The room was silent as he did.
“Afterward, the motorcade drove to the Vineyard Golf Club.”