Sam is talking to his lawyer in jail. They are very upset because the judge has refused to grant bail. At the end of the conversation, Sam is allowed to leave the jail.
In the paragraph below, each blank must be filled by a five-letter word, and the words are all anagrams of each other (the words all contain the same five letters, in different order). Can you fill in the blanks?
Quaint _____ this hotel supplies,
That don’t appear upon the bill.
I speak of roaches, _____, and flies.
You _____ and slap. They’re with you still.
At _____ each guest _____ pained screams
That ought to plague the owner’s dreams.
Quaint ITEMS this hotel supplies,
That don’t appear upon the bill.
I speak of roaches, MITES, and flies.
You SMITE and slap. They’re with you still.
At TIMES each guest EMITS pained screams
That ought to plague the owner’s dreams.