Random Riddle: Furniture

Below are anagrams of furniture found in some bedrooms at home or in motels. Your task is to unravel these anagrams. I have included the number of letters in brackets for each item.

Shade palm (9)
Will aunt (4, 4)
Zest smirking seat (4-4, 8)
Nice tab (7)
Shrewd of traces (5, 2, 7)

Random Riddle: Furniture



Random Riddle: Two Word Answer

For each of the following word pairs, you are looking for a two word answer. The first is a rhyme of the first word and gives the category. The second word is a rhyme and is a specific word in that category. For example, “Kitty, Tennis” translates to “City, Venice”.

1. Fainter, Jolly
2. Slumber, Heaven
3. Reason, Printer
4. Quiver, Bongo
5. Power, Crazy
6. Handy, Muffle
7. Sticker, Frisky

Random Riddle: Two Word Answer



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