Random Riddle: The Crash

In heavy fog there was a serious road crash which involved two trucks and six cars. All the vehicles were severely damaged. Police and ambulances were quickly on the scene, where they found both truck drivers and took them to the hospital for treatment. However, no drivers from any of the cars could be found at the scene of the accident.

Why not?

Random Riddle: The Crash



Random Riddle: Break the Code

Can you break this code?

Shift three. Caps lock one. Shift six.

Tab six. Tab nine. Tab seven.

Tab four. Tab three. Caps lock one. Caps lock three.

Tab five. Caps lock six. Tab eight. Caps lock two. Shift 10.

Random Riddle: Break the Code



Random Riddle: Alfred Hitchcock

Below you will find five uncommon titles to five well-known Alfred Hitchcock movies. How many can you decipher?

1. Unstable Personality

2. The Pelicans, Crows, and Penguins

3. To Apprehend a Criminal

4. The Male Who Perceived Everything

5. Dizziness with a Sensation of Motion

Random Riddle: Alfred Hitchcock



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