Random Riddle: A Stitch in Time is What You’ll Reap

I am four words
Though there appear to be three
Two ways of pronouncing
Three spellings there be.
The first is a manner of indicating, a case being such, or therefore, or a measure of degree.
The second is a pig, female you see.
The third is also on a farm, a manner of planting of seed.
The fourth is to stitch, to hold fabric together, indeed.


Random Riddle: A Stitch in Time is What You'll Reap



Random Riddle: Homophones

See if you can figure out three words that are homophones of each other in each of the five problems below.

1. Worthless – flat piece moving with the air – blood vessel
2. Path or direction – to measure weight – watery part of milk
3. Having no money – careful study; microscopic hole – to flow freely
4. Warty frog – having toes – pulled ahead
5. A cry – welt; corduroy ridge – large oceanic mammal

Random Riddle: Homophones



Random Riddle: My Counterpart

Though my counterpart looks different from me
We have a certain equivalency

I might define a classical song
I can start off as short or long

Often, I collaborate with my peers
To bring different sounds to your ears

Often, when found at the ending
From me, you won’t hear a thing

Random Riddle: My Counterpart



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