Quote Of The Day

“Under a new plan by the Obama administration, if you buy a new car this year, you will able to deduct the sales tax from your income tax.

Or you can just take a job at the White House and you wouldn’t have to pay taxes at all.” ~ Jay Leno

Quote Of The Day

And Congress says this week they are looking into this Bernard Madoff scandal.

So The guy that made $50 billion disappear is being investigated by the people who made $750 billion disappear. ~ Jay Leno

Quote Of The Day

In a stunning announcement, Citigroup showed a profit and had its best quarter since 2007. They made $8 billion dollars in profit.

That just shows you: If you give a company $45 billion in government bailout money, they’ll show you how to turn it into $8 billion in profit. ~ Jay Leno

Quote Of The Day

They had quite a scare in Washington, DC, today. Apparently, President Obama was meeting with some potential cabinet nominees and someone noticed a suspicious looking document on the table that no one had ever seen before.

Turns out it was just a tax form, but it gave them quite a fright. ~ Jay Leno

Quote Of The Day

A major winter storm has slammed the East Coast.

The Obama Administration is preparing a $17 trillion spending bill to bail out the people who didn’t bother to buy a shovel. ~ Jake Novak

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