Amusing Quote Of The Day April 9, 2009 gags The economy is in rough shape – it’s terrible. In fact, you know Snap, Crackle, and Pop? Well, they were arrested today for selling smack, crack, and pot. ~ Jay Leno
Amusing Quote Of The Day April 8, 2009 gags Do you know that over 500 administrative staff members traveled to London with President Obama? Not for the G20 economic summit … they just want to be out of the country during tax time. ~ Jay Leno
Amusing Quote Of The Day April 7, 2009 gags “I think we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
Amusing Quote Of The Day April 4, 2009 gags “Hey, you hear about this? Very strange incident at JFK Airport in New York City today. An AIG executive going through security had to empty out all his pockets. You know what fell out? Senator Chris Dodd.” ~ Jay Leno
Amusing Quote Of The Day April 3, 2009 gags “Yesterday, Barack Obama made his first trip as president to England. Here is my question: if the President is in England, who’s running General Motors?” ~ Jay Leno