Brain Teaser Of The Day: Divided Countries

The following clues each form a unique word by themselves, add them together to get the name of a country. Example: blue and yellow mixed + solid ground = ? Answer:
green + land = Greenland

1. something that will make you sick + an indefinite number = ?

2. half of the width of an em + an organ for secreting = ?

3. a swindle + to move or travel = ?

4. an animal’s shelter + a visible sign = ?




Brain Teaser Of The Day: Find The Compound Word

Listed below are clues that refer to 2 different words. The sound of these words, put together, make a different compound word. Also, just to make things even trickier, when you figure out the words, you might need to switch them around to find the compound word.

Ex. A piece of bread used for making some sandwiches shaped as the fifth letter of the alphabet. (Bun + E = Bunny)

Can you figure out all the compound words?

1. A relation’s short sleep.
2. The talker was the opposite of quiet.
3. A cube-shaped vehicle.
4. Spade’s situation.





Brain Teaser Of The Day: Hidden Instruments

A name of a musical instrument is hidden in each of these phrases or sentences.

1. Which arm on Icarus held this instrument?
2. Man wearing kepi a novice player.
3. Orpheus carefully replaced ancient instrument.
4. Educator Gandhi played Bach.
5. No car in Asia has instrument aboard.
6. Instrument played in Olympic colorful parade.
7. Cancel long concert for stringed instrument.
8. Urban joke played on instrument.
9. Angelic playing with arpeggios.
10. Absolutely beautiful playing of stringed instrument.



Derek Muller Math Riddle: Can You Solve This?

Derek Muller Math Riddle

Scientific filmmaker Derek Muller asks a series of people if they can solve a simple math riddle. While the pattern is simple, multiple people struggle to produce the correct answer.

“I’m going to give you guys three numbers, a three number sequence,” Muller explains at the start of the video, which has just over 750,000 views on YouTube. “And I have a rule in mind that these numbers obey. And I want you to try to figure out what that rule is.”

Derek Muller Math Riddle: Can You Solve This?

Math and science nerd Derek Muller of Veritasium has tickled the math community with this simple riddle.

After offering the number sequence 2, 4, 8, Derek asks volunteers to guess the rule that the sequence follows.

It’s not as complex as it may seem.


via The Blaze

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