Anger in America

Video Description:

The progressives will try and tell you people who do not like obama are racists. According to their logic if you are not a socialist/communist and fully accept the destruction of this country on every level you are a racist. It is they who are the real racists, when they accuse people of being racists when they are not. This video sums up everything that Americans are angry about regarding obama’s communization of America. These angry Americans cross all political affiliations and races.

Obama’s Social Security Number Tied To An Alias Harrison J Bounel

Very interesting!

Video Description:

The Plot Thickens: Debt Collector; Obama’s Social Security number reserved for Connecticut applicants also tied to an alias Harrison J Bounel. The debt collector also claims Obama has used two other Social Security numbers in Illinois. This interview covers several issues ranging from O’s SS# to his property tax filings in Chicago to 50+ different addresses tied to Obama and Michelle across the country.

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