Jewel of the Universe

Chris Chamberlain

49-year-old Chris Chamberlain, an IT worker from London, England, spent the last two years of his life piecing together the “Jewel of the Universe”, a giant mosaic of Earth made with 330,000 hand-cut pieces of stained glass, each smaller than a fingernail. Now, he’s trying to sell his magnificent artwork for £250,000 ($380,000).

Chris Chamberlain has always had a thing for the arts, but he can’t paint or draw to save his life. But what he can do is cut glass into tiny little pieces, so he decided to use this skill to create his very own impressive work of art. The Jewel of the Universe project started over two years ago, in the artist’s garage. Using NASA photos of Earth, he set out to create a unique mosaic of our planet, from glass and precious stones. It took Chamberlain six months just to cut the glass into little pieces, and another 21 months to set them in just the right place on a 3.18m x 2.18m sheet of perspex, using a pair of tweezers. During this long painstaking process, the English computer programmer even had to train himself to become ambidextrous, in order to avoid repetitive strain injury. Practically every hour of his free time was spent on this incredible mosaic, and Chris admits his wife didn’t see very much of him during these last two years.



A Field Guide to Tech Facial Hair

For your amusement.

A Field Guide to Tech Facial Hair

According to Wired, the secret to success in the field of programming is facial hair. Notable exceptions include women, of course, and Mark Zuckerberg. Of course, it may also be because those who are the best at what they do can get away with wearing their hair any way they like in the workplace. IT workers fall into different facial hair categories, some of which are shown here. There are twenty types of beards and/or mustaches illustrated in all, so if your profession is not represented here, you can see the rest at Wired. Link


Programmer Testifies About Easily Rigging Elections With Vote Counting Machines

Hey I’m just saying anything is possible! If they can lie to us about Benghazi, what else are they capable of?

Clinton Eugene Curtis testified under oath, before the Ohio State legislature, that he wrote a program to rig elections. This program would flip the total vote from the real winner to the candidate who had been pre-selected to win by the electronic vote counting machines.

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