Night Motion Timelapse: Outer Banks

Night Motion Timelapse: Outer Banks from Daniel Dragon Films on Vimeo.

Video Description:

Included are two shots of the Stumpy Point wildfire that has been burning in eastern North Carolina, U.S. for some time now. Most of the shots have wisps of smoke in the air from this fire.

The lighthouse is Hatteras Lighthouse, the tallest in North America.

The light streaks you see in the Milky Way shots are shooting stars, no airplanes this time. Shooting stars & meteors happen all the time all over planet Earth; you can’t see them except in the darkest skies. Especially look for them right before dawn (in the film & real life), they seem to increase in frequency at that time.

441 Water Drops

positioning systems I – falling objects from pe lang on Vimeo.

Video Description:

Falling objects – positioning systems from 2009-2011 is an custom made machine that adds drops of water onto a special textured surface. Each drop forms into an almost perfect sphere through the surface tension of the water and the omniphopic Material. The electronically controlled pipette wanders through a square grid of 21 x 21 drops to form a micro-matrix and returns to the beginning. After approximately 300 minutes, and when the water drops have evaporated, the same process starts again.

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