Fixing The Downspout

My wife said “Fix that gutter downspout TODAY!”

So I invited the boys over.

One brought his welder, the others brought beer.

Took us about 4 hours, mostly for the beer, but we got the downspout fixed.

My wife is still speechless…

I am certain not for much longer, though…


Tin Man Downspout

The Urine Wheel

I have some serious concerns about those stains on the top wheel.

The Urine Wheel

The Urine Wheel was used for diagnosing diseases based on the color, smell, and taste of the patient’s urine in the early 16th century.

Many diseases affect metabolism and many changes in metabolism can be detected in the urine. For example, diabetics will excrete sugar in their urine–sometimes enough sugar that it can be fermented into whisky. There are many other diseases that change the smell of a person’s urine, including the very descriptively named Maple Syrup Urine Disease or Sweaty Feet Syndrome, now much more likely to be diagnosed by electronic sensor arrays than actually tasting the urine.


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