Bush Fired U.S. Attorneys To Cover Up D.C. Pedophile Ring

Bush fired several U.S. Attorneys to help cover up a pedophile ring being run out of the D.C. hotels involving Congressmen, Senators and reporters!

Bush Fired U.S. Attorneys To Cover Up D.C. Pedophile Ring

This was the Franklin Scandal. The Bush administration fired the agents investigating the crimes to cover it up. U.S. senators and congressmen were covering up the Dusty Foggo government lobbyist and military prostitution and pedophilia ring in Washington involving legislators, news reporters, military officers and high government officials. Alberto Gonzales and President Bush fired San Diego U.S. Attorney Carol Lam because she was probing the Dusty Foggo / Jack Abramoff D.C. sex ring.

According to a long-time senior intelligence agent the Washington, DC Hilton, Ritz Carlton and Sheraton Hotels were used for compromising House and Senate members, National Media hosts who had sex with children in a legislative and media Blackmail ring.

“The whole Republican and Democratic Parties were for sale, the House, Senate and the White House.”

“Poppy Bush and Abramoff were up to their eyeballs in this kid sh*t,” said the Federal Agent.

Supposedly convicted Lobbyist Jack Abramoff provided male and female heterosexual, homosexual, lesbian, bisexual and child prostitutes sexual services to numerous US Congressmen, US senators, national media hosts and other federal officials who were compromised and made susceptible to blackmail at three Washington hotels.

The Washington Hilton was specifically used for sex with children because it has what the agent termed a “super secure section for VIPs that is out of public view and which reportedly employs no camera surveillance, an area able to hold around 6-10 vehicles so that no one could observe abducted, abused or drugged children flown in from other states who were coming to or leaving the hotel.” Hilton employees began to become suspicious of Abramoff’s operation, so children were moved to the Washington Ritz-Carlton according to other intelligence officials.

From Wikileaks:

The Global Intelligence Files

On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered “global intelligence” company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal’s Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor’s web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.


Released on 2012-10-15 17:00 GMT

Email-ID 475107
Date 2007-03-27 07:27:50
From [email protected]
To undisclosed-recipients:


AGENTS: BUSH FIRINGS OBSTRUCTED SEX / SPY PROBE TomFlocco.com Foggo sex ring probe linked to forged Iraq dossier, Israeli espionage, convicted lobbyist Abramoff

According to U.S. intelligence sources, President Bush obstructed justice
last December when he had senior advisor Karl Rove and White House Counsel
Harriet Miers instruct Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez to fire eight
U.S. attorneys who were among several others conducting ongoing public
corruption and secret national security grand jury investigations
connected to an espionagea**linked prostitution / pedophile sex ring
operating at the Washington Ritz-Carlton and other DC hotels, whose
clients included U.S. senators and congressmen, elite Washington news
reporters and high government officialsa**some of whom were named by an
intelligence insider.

Central to the scandal is fired U.S. attorney Carole Lam of California who
was reportedly conducting testimony before grand juries linking indicted
former Bush CIA Executive Director Kyle a**Dustya** Foggo and convicted
Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff to the sex ring, Israeli espionage, GOP
Under Secretary of Defense for policy Douglas J. Feith, a forged British
intelligence dossier used by Mr. Bush to deceive Americans into supporting
war against Iraq and an attempt to plant weapons of mass destruction (WMD)
in Iraq before the war via an intelligence pipeline through Dubai and


Original story:
U.S. intelligence: Sen. Leader William Frist and reporter Robert Novak alleged as regular clients

by Tom Flocco

Washington—May 5, 2006—TomFlocco.com—A long-time top-level government agency official joined a national security expert in confirming grand jury testimony last month, revealing that male and female heterosexual, homosexual, lesbian, bisexual and child prostitutes provided sexual services to numerous congressmen, senators, national media hosts and other federal officials who were compromised and made susceptible to blackmail at three Washington hotels.

“The whole Republican Party was for sale—the House, Senate and the White House,” said a well-respected federal agency official with impeccable credentials who declined to be named but who is familiar with testimony and sources close to the grand jury probing Jack Abramoff.

Patrick Fitzgerald
Patrick Fitzgerald

Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald’s grand jury heard several agents testify in April that the “Watergate, Ritz-Carlton and Sheraton Hotels in Washington, DC were used to compromise legislators and news-people with prostitution services, the financing of which is directly linked to the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Marc Rich and Abramoff,” said national security expert Thomas Heneghan.There are no corporate media reports as to which White House officials participated in the hotel sex ring activities with House and Senate members; however, Heneghan said U.S. Senate Leader and 2008 presidential candidate William Frist was alleged to be a frequent visitor to the hotels according to U.S. intelligence agents.

Frist is reportedly a close friend of alleged Bush 43 male consort and former Knoxville, Tennessee mayor Victor Ashe according to federal agents.

Heneghan also alleged additional prostitute customers as British Prime Minister Tony Blair and former CNN host-reporter Robert Novak, both of whom were introduced into the sex-ring by GOP reporter and male prostitute Jeff Gannon, who visited the Bush White House living quarters 200 times without the assignations being recorded in visitor logs.

Jack Abramoff
Jack Abramoff

The genesis of the Valerie Plame CIA leak allegedly took place during one of Novak’s visits with an Abramoff hooker at one of the hotels according to the sources.The corruption and crimes surrounding the indicted Republican lobbyist were widespread and far-reaching enough to cause Fitzgerald to impanel a separate grand jury, often referred to by intelligence officials as the “Franklin grand jury,” which is hearing testimony and examining Abramoff linked evidence tied to the Iraq War, September 11 and related issues.

Pentagon analyst Larry Franklin was arrested for leaking classified U.S. government information to AIPAC officials Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman who reportedly leaked information to Israel concerning a controversial proposal by Department of Defense hardliners to destabilize Iran.

The federal source wishing to remain anonymous said that additional government officials are currently testifying this month before the Franklin grand jury about Abramoff, the GOP-linked prostitution ring and its ties to AIPAC.

“Photographs of politicians in compromising positions have reportedly already been used as blackmail to silence politicians who would speak the truth about the 2000 election fraud in Florida, 9-11, Iraq/yellowcake/WMD and how Jack Abramoff and Netanyahu were the pimps for the operation,” said Heneghan.

President Bush has emphatically denied that he personally knows Abramoff, despite CIA records indicating the indicted lobbyist visited the White House 200 times during the first ten months of the Bush presidency—often enough for a personal visit on every business day of each month, according to wide news reports.

Despite the daily White House visits, Bush said “I’ve never sat down with him and had a discussion with the guy,” adding, “I’m also mindful that we live in a world in which those pictures will be used for pure political purposes,” attempting to justify his unwillingness at first to release photos of him chatting amicably with Abramoff.

Fitzgerald is reportedly convinced that the Bush administration wanted Valerie Plame-Wilson’s identity as a CIA official leaked because her intelligence team had identified Israeli Mossad operatives inside Iran who were to receive weapons of mass destruction (WMD) to be delivered through Turkey and planted in Iraq to further the president’s case for war, said the intelligence expert.

“The financing for these whorehouses is linked directly to AIPAC, Benjamin Netanyahu, Marc Rich and Jack Abramoff; and the money trail ties back to American International Group (AIG), Hank Greenberg and Doug Alexander—former British Minister of E-Commerce,” said Heneghan.
In an ominous prediction, Heneghan said, “It won’t be long before the un-compromised U.S. military may have to declare a State of Emergency and re-implementation of the Constitution under a special provision of the Naval Code, which would lead to the arrest and removal of the criminal government residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.”(Bush and his thugs)

According to Heneghan, the Abramoff congressional sex ring is tied to the SunCruz Casino scandal, secret accounts at Riggs Bank and Crozier Bank, the 9-11 “hijacker” Venice, Florida flight schools, and former U.S. ambassador to Italy Mel Sembler and Doug Alexander—both of whom have been linked to the reported Florida 2000 election fraud—all of which is tied to a financial trail that connects narcotics trafficking to Al Qaeda and the congressional sex ring.

MSNBC host and former congressman Joe Scarborough, subject of a recent TomFlocco.com story, “is now cooperating with federal investigators in the Abramoff matter which has led the probe to the doorsteps of the AIPAC whorehouses now operating in Washington, DC,” said Heneghan.

The intelligence expert told us “Scarborough told federal investigators that he now believes his female staff member (Lori Klausutis) was murdered in his congressional office to silence her regarding knowledge of Alexander, Sembler, Katherine Harris, Jeb Bush and the Florida election 2000 coup d’ etat.”

UPDATE: Is this Joe Scarborough scandal Trump referred to in this Tweet?




New Witnesses Accuse Fmr UK Prime Minister Of Pedophilia, Ritual Murder

Sir Edward Heath, former Prime Minister of England, stands accused of rampant pedophilia and participating in ritualistic child murder by former police officers and alleged victims.

New Witnesses Accuse Fmr UK Prime Minister Of Pedophilia, Ritual Murder

In recent months, high-ranking politicians, attorneys, doctors and others have been accused or caught participating in depraved acts involving the sexual abuse of children. While the media has largely shied away from these stories, there is no denying that the tide of arrests is developing into something truly unprecedented. However, these revelations involving the widespread practice of pedophilia among the world’s wealthy and powerful pale in comparison to explosive new testimony and allegations that surfaced over the weekend regarding the disturbing private life of former Prime Minister of England, Sir Edward Heath. While many noted “conspiracy theorists” have long asserted that Heath was a pedophile of the worst order, a lack of witnesses and public attention as well as an alleged and highly sophisticated cover-up kept these allegations on the sidelines.

Now, several new witnesses – former victims and high-ranking officials – have come forward, accusing Heath of unimaginable atrocities against England’s most vulnerable. The first of these allegations to surface came to light this past Sunday when the Daily Mail revealed that Wiltshire Chief Constable Mike Veale regards the accusations against Heath as “totally convincing” and “120% true.” Veale has been investigating allegations against Heath since the pedophile scandal surrounding BBC icon Jimmy Savile broke in 2015. Savile, a close friend of Heath, was found to have abused more than 500 children,  acts which were long covered up by the “establishment.” Since Savile scandal became public, more than 30 people have come forward with claims of sexual abuse against the former Prime Minister. Veale also supported claims that Heath’s crimes had come to light much earlier, some dating back to the late 1980s, but had been covered up due to Heath’s powerful stature.

After Veale’s confirmation that he and others in the police force were fully convinced of Heath’s guilt, several women who had accused Heath of sexually abusing children for years dropped fresh allegations just today. These women claim that Heath not only raped children, but ritually murdered them. According to the new accusations, Heath was part of a satanic sex cult run by the women’s parents and was involved in the murders of an estimated 16 children. If true, Heath would have been one of the worst child murderers in British history. The women had initially made these same claims in 1989 but were ignored by police at the time. These allegations are just one of the many probes being pursued by British police in the investigation overseen by Mike Veale. The investigation has so far cost British taxpayers over £883,431.

While the accusations may seem astounding and far-fetched, many cases of powerful figures involved in pedophile have also coincided with accusations of ritual murder and Satanism. The most well-known of these cases took place in the U.S. – the Franklin cover-up. When a Nebraska Credit Union was raided by federal agencies in 1988, the Nebraska legislature began to investigate Republican Party activist and the credit union’s manager Lawrence King Jr. While the investigation originally focused on King’s shady finances, it soon exploded into a investigation of a nationwide child abuse ring and satanic ritual murders involving some of the state’s and nation’s most powerful politicians at the time. Soon after, a cover-up took place and the lead investigator of the legislature’s probe was suddenly and violently murdered. Considering all of the high-profile pedophile cases coming to light, these latest allegations against one of England’s most powerful politicians suggests that pedophilia and ritual murder often go hand-in-hand, forming one of the great unspoken evils in our world today, one that is quickly coming to light despite the establishment’s best efforts to keep it hidden from public view.


Young Boy Strip Searched by TSA

So, sexual assault, humiliation, and pedophilia are more preferable to Janet Napolitano, John Pistole, and Barack Hussein Obama than having the courage to profile actual would-be terrorists?

From the video:

Lets get the facts straight first. Before the video started the boy went through a metal detector and didn’t set it off but was selected for a pat down. The boy was shy so the TSA couldn’t complete the full pat on the young boy. The father tried several times to just hold the boys arms out for the TSA agent but i guess it didn’t end up being enough for the guy. I was about 30 ft away so i couldn’t hear their conversation if there was any. The enraged father pulled his son shirt off and gave it to the TSA agent to search, thats when this video begins.

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