How Do Cats Use Their Whiskers?

How do cats use their whiskers to catch their prey? This incredible slow motion footage reveals their deadly secret.


How do cats use their whiskers to catch their prey? Using slow motion you can see the whiskers move into an attack position… Taken from Cats Uncovered.


How The Ladybug Got It’s Name

Simon Whistler, of the series Today I Found Out, explains how the delicate little ladybug got its name and why it is held in such high esteem.

Ladybugs, sometimes known as Ladybirds and less commonly Lady Beetles, are a rarity in the insect world in that they’re one of the few creepy crawly insects we as a species don’t actively dislike, due to their habit of eating the things that destroy our crops. But just how did this little insect get such a strange name?

To start, while many members of the Coccinellidae family are colloquially known as “ladybugs” in a number of places in the states, technically speaking they aren’t considered to be true bugs. It’s more fitting to instead refer to them as beetles. While it’s certainly true that ladybugs possess several key qualities that bugs share, to be classified as a true bug, a given insect must also possess “sucking, beak-like mouth parts and go from egg to nymph, to adult, with no larva stage”. The ladybug neither has the correct mouth parts nor skips the larval stage, so can’t fall under this category. Instead it is, as mentioned previously, a member of the beetle family, a group of insects characterised by hard “shell-like” exteriors that often hides a set of delicate wings.

However, the interesting part here isn’t the “bug” part of “ladybug” name or the “bird” part of the other common name- “ladybird”, with these being somewhat obvious in their origins. The less obvious part is why these tiny voracious beetles have the word “lady” in their name. At first glance, there doesn’t appear any particular reason why this should be the case; the beetles don’t seem to possess any qualities associated with the fairer sex.

Why? This isn’t precisely known. One of the leading theories is that the name came about as a result of the ladybug’s bright red shell, which is not too dissimilar from the red cloak Mary is often pictured wearing in biblical paintings. There’s also an old European legend that states that farmers many hundreds of years ago prayed to the Virgin Mary asking for help to save them from the pests devouring their crops and in return she sent a swarm of tiny beetles bearing her trademark coat to eat them.

In truth, ladybugs are known to dine almost exclusively on insects we humans consider pests, like aphids, something old timey farmers without pesticides or other easy-means of keeping their crops protected from destructive creatures were no doubt incredibly thankful for. Since back in those days it was common to thank God for almost any good fortune, it’s not hard to see how this legend popped up, and perhaps this gratefulness really did contribute to the name.

Whatever the case, as it turns out, people believing the ladybug was a gift from God (or Mary) is supported by the fact that almost every European country ended up coming up with a name for the beetle that linked back to God or Mary. For example, in Germany, the word for ladybug is “Marienkäfer” which translates to “Mary’s Beetle”; in France, one common name is “la bete a bon Dieu” which roughly means “God’s animal” while in Russia a popular name “Bozhya korovka” which translates to “God’s little cow”, no doubt referring to the beetles’ spots which are not unlike the kind you’d find on certain cows. In fact, one of the alternate early names for the beetle, before “ladybug” or “ladybird” in English was “ladycow”.

The earliest mention of the word “ladybird”, referring to the beetle, is noted by the Oxford English Dictionary to have occurred in 1674 in a dictionary of sorts covering southern English words. It was noted in that work that, at that time, a common slang term for the “little spotted beetle commonly called the Lady cow, or Lady-bird” was “bishop”, further demonstrating the strong association people had with these beetles and their religion.



What’s Inside A Giant Wasp Nest?

Ever wondered what’s inside a Wasp Nest? You’re about to find out.


Ever wondered what’s inside a Wasp Nest? We cut this GIANT one in half!! Crazy!

We bought it on Ebay and it is huge! Kind of gross honestly but Awesome at the same time!


Birds Of North America

Birds of North America is a 39″ x 27″ art print by Pop Chart Lab that features over 740 different species of birds living on the North American continent.

Birds of North America
Click to enlarge

Perhaps our most ambitious taxonomical undertaking yet, this is your field guide to the birds of North America! The product of over 400 hours of intricate illustration work by our talented team of artists, this unabridged aviary features over 740 fair-feathered friends drawn to scale and sorted by species, covering the continent’s avifauna (both native and introduced, as designated by the National Audubon Society and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology) from common sparrows, jays, and owls to rarer birds such as the Greater Sage-Grouse, the California Condor, and the Whooping Crane. An ornithological opus like no other, this classificatory treasure is perfect for amateur and eagle-eyed birdwatchers alike.



Alligator Snapping Turtle vs Common Snapping Turtle

Often confused for one another the Alligator Snapping Turtle and the Common Snapping Turtle are two very distinct species. Yes it is true that they both share similarities in appearance but everything from their temperament to the way they hunt are completely different. In this video adventurer and animal expert Coyote Peterson will compare the two side by side to show you each ones unique features so you will better understand their individual traits and be able to properly identify them if you see one in the wild!


The snapping turtle is famous in the animal kingdom as having one of the most powerful bites. But there’s an even more feared and more powerful version of the snapping turtle called the alligator snapping turtle. It grows larger and stronger than the common snapping turtle and is basically the king of the swamp explains Brave Wilderness in this viral nature video.


Alligator Snapping Turtle vs Common Snapping Turtle

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