Playing The Star-Spangled Banner With A Gun

This may be the most patriotic thing ever!

When thinking of America there are two things that may come to mind, patriotism and guns. This video is the perfect mix of the two, and one no one gets hurt.

Musical Targets is a “source for armoury harmony” – a place where gun enthusiasts in Colorado can shoot and make music at the same time.

Here, the folks at Musical Targets show off their aural and rifle skills by playing the tune for the US national anthem, the Star-Spangled Banner.



Playing The Star Spangled Banner With A Gun


The Beer Fridge – O Canada

Molson built a beer fridge that can only be opened if you sing ‘O Canada’!

They should do something like this in the United States. Only require that Welfare recipients sing the US national anthem to collect their checks.


We’ve built our most Canadian beer fridge for Canada Day and there’s only one way to get inside – sing O Canada. It’s time to start practicing our national anthem.


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