Tag: Muslim Brotherhood
An Open Letter to Barack Hussein Obama From A Vietnam Veteran
A must read open letter from a Vietnam Veteran to Barack Hussein Obama that explains why his unclear strategy concerning an attack on Syria is so incredibly dangerous!
Pass it on.
Mr. Barack Obama
The White House Washington, D.C.Mr. Obama:
While watching the news recently (there is only ONE channel that actually broadcasts “news” so you most likely missed it) there was much discussion about your all too familiar inability to make a decision that would actually benefit this country in addressing the escalating disaster in the Middle East. I felt it my patriotic duty to try to help you sort through this mess that you have single handedly created.
Please keep in mind that I am trying hard not to be overly critical of your performance in dealing with what is fast becoming a second holocaust but am simply trying to help. It would be totally inappropriate for me to be critical of someone who is so uniquely unqualified, ill equipped and massively conflicted as to what to do. So let me offer some professional advice.
Unlike yourself and your academic cronies, anarchist criminals (i.e. Bill Ayers) and your America hating Jeremiah “God Damn America” Wright that you surround yourself with, I have actually lived in the Middle East for a number of years (i.e. Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc. etc.). I was close to the throne when Mr. Jimmy Carter threw the Shah of Iran under the bus and you are following closely in his footsteps but with far more dangerous and far reaching consequences.
Your personal background has been enriched by your early association with the Muslim faith. This is true for myself as well. But our life experiences are drastically different. The vast majority of the American population, especially you and your cronies, have absolutely no understanding of the Muslim culture of the Middle East which is significantly different from the Muslim culture of the Asian sub-continent and the world at large.
It is hard for tech-savvy Americans to envision a culture in which as much as ninety-eight percent (98%) of the population can neither read nor write and whose sole source of anything resembling information is fed to them five times a day by people whose sole motivation is POWER; a trait that would appear to have rubbed off on you.
I experienced the revolution in Iran from the very first anti-Shah demonstration up to and including the return of the Ayatollah Khomeini; I was quite possibly the only American in the airport when the Ayatollah deplaned in Tehran.
As the Iranian revolution picked up momentum, I saw good hearted Muslims who had been educated in this country slowly turn into “supporters” of the Ayatollah; not out of religious fervor but because of FEAR.
People instinctively fear raw violence but they fear political and economic retribution even more so; not unlike a significant portion of our American society does since your regime came into power.
Your regime has consistently backed the Muslim Brotherhood and their allies; both overtly with billions of tax payer dollars given in the name of “humanitarian aid” and many say covertly through the redirection of arms and ammunition out of Iraq. And as a result, the entire Middle East is in flames and a second holocaust is in progress. America cannot be far behind – which I am reasonably sure brings much joy to you and your cronies.
As you stand there on the golf course vacillating as to what to do, let me try to explain the situation in the simplest possible terms: The Muslim Brotherhood are the BAD GUYS and everyone else COULD be our friends.
There has been much said about the “Democratically Elected Government” that was set aside by the Egyptian military. Democratically Elected? CRAP! There can be no “free elections” when members of the Muslim Brotherhood man the polls and voter intimidation and massive voter fraud are the rule of the day. There was a time when Klansmen (KKK) hovering about election polls intimidating voters was considered illegal but now under your regime it is evidently just fine for the Black Panthers to do the same thing so perhaps you see nothing amiss when the Muslim Brotherhood follows your lead.
What we are facing is an irreconcilable difference in fundamental religious philosophy. In the simplest of terms, which may yet be a stretch for your massive lack of intellect, let me condense the opposing views:
Jesus said: “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.”
Mohamed said: “Do as I say or I will butcher you and your whole damned family.”
I realize that you may be confused about this term “Democratic” given that you belong to a “Democratic” party that is in actuality simply the American Communist / Socialist Party. Ever since the creation of the “German Democratic Republic” (aka: East Germany) in 1949 the Communist/Socialists have been fond of wrapping themselves in “Democratic” labels.
But there is a much larger issue here that cannot be cleverly obfuscated via skilled word-smithing; a uniquely American issue: FREEDOM!
I realize that you and your cronies find the concept of “freedom of the individual” most bothersome as is evidenced by you massive effort to stamp it out. But it is “freedom of the individual” that united a highly disparate and geographically dispersed people to stand together and “….with firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, (we) mutually pledge to each other (our) their Lives, (our) their Fortunes and (our) their sacred Honor.”
The need for Freedom burns deep in the heart of every human on the face of the earth. Your free cell phones, food stamps, and Section Eight housing may entice your people back onto the plantation in abject slavery but history has shown that even the best kept slaves in our country’s past willingly risked their lives to escape their shackles.
Support for the Muslim Brotherhood in any manner should be considered a crime against humanity.
Your policy with respect to the Middle East should be quite obvious:
Hunt down the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood and remove them from the face of the earth.
Your legacy is being created daily and should you not change your course, your legacy will, without a doubt, rival that of Adolph Hitler for the pain and suffering you have delivered to freedom loving people all over the world; especially to We The People of this once free nation.